
What's up? I'm Adán, and this is my website! I'm a young transsexual and bisexual boy who loves all things TLoZ and fashion! I watch movies and anime on my spare time, as well as read, write and play video games! I'm rather shy and nervous and like making OCs for everything I watch.

I'm new to all this website building stuff, and I currenty rely on pre-existing layouts I can find to make my blog. My website is still incredibly bare-bones, and I hope no-one minds, I'm still learning how to use HTML and CCS, so it'll likely take a while for my website to be done.

this is head two

It is responsive, which means it works on phones! Yeaaaaah!

this is head three

this is head four

bold italic Underline


You can put whatever you like here!


You can put whatever you like here!


You can put whatever you like here!


You can put whatever you like here!